DUI Lawyer in Delco, PA
Facing a DUI charge in Delaware County? I’m here to help. As a specialist DUI lawyer in Media, PA, I offer expert advice and representation to navigate through your DUI defense. Contact the Law Office of Steven F. O’Meara at 610-565-9200 for a free consultation and let’s start defending your case today.
DUI Services
- Free Consultation
- 30 Years Experience
- Misdemeanor DUI
- Felony DUI
- Prescription Drug DUI
- 1st DUI, 2nd DUI, & 3rd DUI
- Affordable Payment Plans
- Start Your Case by Phone

If you have been charged with a DUI in Delaware County recently and require advice and representation from a specialist DUI lawyer in Media, PA, get in touch to find out how we can assist. Contact the Law Office of Steven F. O’Meara at 610-565-9200 today to book a free consultation and to take the first step towards successfully defending a DUI charge.
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We can fight your DUI! Delco DUI defense
Some people think that if you are charged with a DUI offense in Delco, there’s nothing you can do. While this may be true for the average layperson, nothing could be further from the truth in the hands of an experienced DUI defense attorney. DUI charges can be challenged, starting before the stop, through the field sobriety testing, and after your arrest and detention, and after the breathalyzer or blood test is administered and analyzed.
At each step of the way, there are legal challenges that are available to pursue. Whether the legal challenge will be successful in any given case depends on the facts of the investigation. However, below are a few areas where a good Delco DUI lawyer might find fault with the prosecution’s case.
3 ways a DUI lawyer can get your case dismissed.
Challenging the stop

Law enforcement is not permitted to simply pull cars over to determine whether the driver may have been drinking. Instead, law enforcement must have “probable cause” to stop a car. In every DUI case, a qualified defense attorney will review the stated basis for the stop. Additionally, where there are dashcam videos, a review of these videos to confirm the basis for the stop takes place. Defendants are entitled to a hearing to determine whether the evidence the government has, was obtained illegally. If the stop is not based on probable cause, supported by the evidence, the entire case can be dismissed.
Challenging the Testing
The manufacturer of the breathalyzer test and the courts have issued a protocol for performing testing. This includes a period of time when the arrested person is monitored prior to testing. There are medical conditions that can impact the test result. The machine must be maintained properly and certified. Further, law enforcement must insure that the breathalyzer is calibrated on a regular schedule.
Blood testing can always be challenged due to the ‘human element.’ Though more accurate than a breathalyzer, mistakes are made during blood draw and prep of the blood vials, transportation to the lab, and the lab testing itself.
Anyone of these topics could be the basis for litigation. Depending on the facts of your case, this could result in charges being dismissed. In Boston, thousands of DUI test results were tossed out of court when it was discovered the machines were being improperly maintained and the settings were incorrect.
Challenging the Interpretation
Even though a machine does the calculations, a qualified defense attorney knows this is not the end of the analysis. Controls must be reviewed. Additionally, tests and retests must be compared. Defense experts can interpret results in the best light for the defense.
In blood draw cases, there are additional concerns. Chain of custody must be examined to ensure the integrity of the sample. The analysts’ notes must be reviewed. Reagents and test tubes have expiration dates; these must be examined. Any test showing a specific failure may be the basis to dismiss the case.
Delco, PA resources for DUI
For more information about DUI defense in Delaware County, including DUI diversion programs, see the following resources:
Make sure you hire a Delaware County DUI attorney
If you are charged with a DUI in Delco, or Chesco, PA, don’t attempt to handle this yourself or wait too long. Hire a lawyer that specializes in DUI casework. There are many areas that could be subject to challenge in a DUI case. However, to do so properly, you need a qualified Delco DUI attorney, familiar with the law and science. Additionally, different jurisdictions have different rules that may permit a resolution without a criminal conviction.
Contact the Law Offices of Steven F. O’Meara at 610-565-9200 to discuss the facts and circumstances of your Delco DUI case. With over 25 years of experience, Steven F. O’Meara knows the process. Let his experience work for you.