DUI Breath Test Attorney in Media, PA

Facing a DUI charge in Media, PA, especially those involving breath test results, can be daunting. It’s important to understand your rights and the implications of breath tests in DUI cases. If you’ve been arrested for DUI or have refused a breath test, seeking the counsel of an experienced DUI defense attorney like Steven F. O’Meara is crucial for navigating your defense.

Understanding DUI Breath Tests and Field Sobriety Tests in Pennsylvania

Field Sobriety Tests (FSTs): In Pennsylvania, Standardized Field Sobriety Tests (SFSTs) are commonly used by police during a DUI stop. These tests include various physical and cognitive exercises, like the “follow my finger” test (eye tracking), the one-leg stand test, and the “walk and turn” test. While these tests aim to assess impairment, their accuracy can be questionable, as many sober individuals might struggle with them due to various reasons.

Preliminary Breath Test (PBT): During a DUI stop, police may also use a portable breathalyzer to conduct a Preliminary Breath Test. This test helps officers decide if further action is needed. While the results of this test are not admissible in court, they can influence the officer’s decision to arrest and conduct formal testing.

How Steven F. O’Meara Can Help in DUI Cases

  • Analyzing Test Procedures: We thoroughly review how the breath test and FSTs were administered. Any procedural errors or deviations can be crucial in challenging their validity.
  • Challenging Test Results: Both breath tests and FSTs can be contested based on various factors, including their inherent inaccuracies and the specific circumstances of your case. See also the post Challenging Urine Test Results.
  • Guiding Through Legal Options: Understanding your rights when it comes to test refusals and the implications of these actions is vital. We provide clear guidance on these legal intricacies.
  • Negotiating and Advocacy: We negotiate with prosecutors and advocate on your behalf to seek the best possible outcome, which might include reduced charges or case dismissal.

RELATED: What are the implications of refusing a Breathalyzer test in Pennsylvania?

The Implications of DUI Charges and Your Rights

  • DUI Charges and Consequences: A DUI charge in Pennsylvania can have significant impacts on your life, but it is not an automatic conviction. We explore all avenues to fight the charges, aiming for outcomes that minimize their effect on your future.
  • Your Legal Rights: You have rights throughout the DUI process, from the moment of the stop to the resolution of your case. We ensure these rights are upheld and that you’re fully informed at every step.
  • Personalized Defense Strategies: Every DUI case is unique. We tailor our defense strategies to align with the specifics of your situation, focusing on the strengths of your case.

If you’re charged with DUI in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, contact the Law Office of Steven F. O’Meara for experienced legal support. Our commitment is to provide a strong defense and ensure your rights are protected. Schedule a free consultation today to discuss your case.

Did you know?

For eligible first-time DUI offenders, Steven F. O’Meara can help navigate the PA ARD program—a path that may lead to charge dismissal upon completion. We assess your eligibility, manage the application process, and guide you every step of the way. Reach out to explore this option as part of your DUI defense strategy.

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