DUI Expungement Lawyer Steven F. O’Meara: Your Legal Guide

Charged with a DUI and seeking an expungement in Pennsylvania? We’re here to help. Contact the Law Office of Steve F. O’Meara, your trusted DUI expungement lawyer, at 610-565-9200 today.

Understanding DUI Expungement in Pennsylvania

If you’ve been arrested and convicted of driving under the influence (DUI) in Pennsylvania, you may be dealing with the negative implications of having a DUI on your record. Fortunately, under certain circumstances, you can reduce the impact of a DUI conviction through expungement with the help of a DUI expungement lawyer.

What is Expungement?

Expungement is a legal process that effectively ‘erases’ or deletes a conviction from your record. In the context of a DUI, this means the DUI conviction is obliterated, making it as if the conviction never happened. Expungement can be extremely beneficial, especially when you’re applying for jobs, seeking admission to educational institutions, trying to obtain a professional license, or looking to rent a home or apartment.

Can a DUI Be Expunged in Pennsylvania?

Under Pennsylvania law, certain DUI records may qualify for automatic expungement. According to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Accelerated Rehabilitation Disposition (ARD) records can be automatically expunged after 10 years. However, this only applies if the individual’s operating privileges were not revoked as a habitual offender, and they were not a commercial driver at the time of the violation.

In some cases, you may not have to wait for 10 years. If you’re eligible, a DUI expungement lawyer can help you expedite the process of getting your DUI expunged.

Related: What happens when you get a DUI under 21 in Pennsylvania?

How to Expunge a DUI

The ARD program in Pennsylvania allows first-time DUI offenders to petition for their charges to be dropped or expunged. To participate in this program, you must have received a DUI charge but no conviction. If you have completed the ARD program, your DUI expungement process involves:

  1. Completing a criminal history request form
  2. Obtaining proof of ARD program completion
  3. Requesting a petition or motion for expungement through the clerk of courts
  4. Submitting a notarized affidavit confirming the accuracy of the information provided to the court

However, if you didn’t participate in the ARD program, obtaining a DUI expungement in Pennsylvania can be more challenging. According to Pennsylvania law 18 Pa. C. S. § 9122, a criminal record may be expunged under specific circumstances. These include if the individual is at least 70 years old and has been free of arrest or prosecution for 10 years, if the individual has been deceased for three years, or if the individual petitions the court for the expungement of a “summary offense” and has been free of arrest or prosecution for five years following the conviction.

See also: Everything you need to know about PennDOT hearings for DUI

When You Need a DUI Expungement Lawyer

The complexities of DUI laws and expungement procedures in Pennsylvania necessitate the guidance of a skilled DUI lawyer. They can help you understand the implications of your charge and what you need to do to move past it.

If you’re dealing with the consequences of a DUI charge in Pennsylvania and seeking expungement, don’t navigate these challenges alone. Contact The Law Office of Steve F. O’Meara, your trusted DUI expungement lawyer, at 610-565-9200 today. We are here to help you defend your rights and guide you through this complex process.

What Our Clients Say

It’s our clients’ satisfaction and positive outcomes that make our work meaningful. Take a look at a recent review from one of our clients on Avvo, who chose to remain anonymous:

A Highly Recommended Attorney: Mr. O’Meara is a compassionate attorney with high morals. He places the interests of his clients first on his list while bringing results. I had the pleasure of utilizing his services to investigate my legal rights in a personal situation. As a result, he gave advice that was to my best interests. There are many attorneys/firms out there that will do all they can to raise revenue by being dishonest, but Steven is 100% true to his clients. A+ Attorney!”

These words reflect our unwavering commitment to prioritizing our clients’ needs, providing accurate legal advice, and maintaining the highest level of integrity.

Are you looking for a DUI expungement lawyer who truly cares about your situation? Reach out to The Law Office of Steve F. O’Meara at 610-565-9200 today. We’re here to help you navigate your DUI expungement process with compassion, expertise, and honesty.

Discover more

Comprehensive DUI GuidancUnderstanding Misdemeanor and Felony DUI in Pennsylvania: Are you aware of the differences between a misdemeanor and felony DUI charge in Pennsylvania? Our in-depth article discusses these differences, the potential penalties, and the value of working with an experienced felony DUI lawyer in Media, PA. Read more here.

Extreme DUI in Pennsylvania: Facing an extreme DUI charge can be a daunting experience. In this informative article, we explain what extreme DUI means in Pennsylvania, the potential consequences, and how a knowledgeable PA extreme DUI lawyer can help defend your rights. Learn more here.

Discover More:

Are you curious about how Pennsylvania’s DUI legal landscape is evolving? Learn more in our featured article, 2023’s New DUI Laws: Pennsylvania’s Legal Shift. Here, we delve into the state’s stricter DUI laws that took effect in November 2022, designed to combat what critics refer to as the “revolving door” for serious drunken drivers. We discuss the impact of these laws and how they intend to deter repeat offenses by imposing longer sentences and stiffer penalties.

Understanding your charges and legal options is crucial when dealing with DUI cases. Explore these resources and contact The Law Office of Steve F. O’Meara, your trusted DUI expungement lawyer, at 610-565-9200 for further guidance.

DUI expungement lawyer Steven F. O'Meara

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