The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania recently enacted a statute that` offers a huge break to any Pennsylvania licensed driver whose privilege to drive has been or will be suspended due to a charge of driving under the influence or a refusal of chemical testing. (blood or breathalyzer)
Media, PA interlock license lawyer
Call 610-565-9200 to see if you qualify for the new Ignition Interlock Limited License. More than likely you do qualify. You should act quickly to protect one of your most vital assets, your privilege to drive!
Our fees to represent you are very reasonable. Your call could save your job and alleviate the stress and anxiety caused by a license suspension.

The great news is that you can limit your exposure to a long-term license suspension under this new statute. Unlike the old Occupational Limited License, you may drive anytime and anywhere with this new Ignition Interlock Limited License! It is not just a work only license.
How ignition interlock devices work in Media, PA
You are monitored by an Ignition Interlock machine which is placed in your personal automobile by a private vendor. This vendor reports to Penndot directly. Using this machine, it tests your ability to operate a motor vehicle safely by confirming your sobriety.
Once you have the Ignition Interlock machine installed, a petition with the required exhibits must be submitted to PennDOT. Once everything is submitted properly to Penndot, they are statutorily mandated to provide your Ignition Interlock license to you within twenty days!
For example, if you are convicted of driving under the influence and receive a one-year license suspension from PennDOT, you may be eligible to drive after just 20 days of suspension.
Other suspension offenses can be significantly reduced in similar fashion. For one of our clients, Penndot suspended their license for a DUI and Refusal. In his case, this was an aggregate suspension of two and a half (2 ½ ) years. We are reducing his suspension from two and one-half (2 ½) years to nine (9) months. Another client’s suspension was reduced to six (6) months after Penndot initially advised them of a two-year (2 year) license suspension.
Related: Everything you need to know about PennDOT hearings for DUI
Media, PA interlock limited license information center
- Accelerated Rehabilitation Disposition (ARD)
- Juvenile / Underage Drinking
- Suspended License
- First Offense DUI
- Second DUI
Looking for an experienced interlock license lawyer in Media, PA? Call the law office of Steven F. O’Meara DUI lawyer for a free consultation at 610-565-9200